Friday, December 24, 2021

Valentina & Dodo

Finally, reaching Nimbus Land, our party find their efforts halted as an impostor has claimed himself to be Prince Mallow, and he and his beautiful fiancée seem to have taken over the kingdom, locking the king and queen away from their people.

This fiancée in question is Valentina, and her impostor henchman is a silent bird named Dodo. Together, they concocted a scheme to take over Nimbus Land, using the king and queen’s grief over their long-lost son. They become the main villains for this part of the story, getting in our heroes’ way of collecting their next star and reuniting the true Mallow with his parents.

As a character, Valentina will be a bit on the floaty side, and will work in tandem with her partner Dodo to add his strength to the fight. Her moveset will pull from both hers and Dodo’s fights throughout the game.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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