Saturday, December 25, 2021

Kammy Koopa

All is well for the Star Spirits as the game opens, but soon calamity strikes as Bowser attacks the summit, scatters the star spirits, and steals the magical star rod, hoping to use its power to capture Princess Peach and defeat Mario once and for all. Helping him in this scheme is an elderly Magikoopa who uses her powerful magic to lock the stars away.

This is Kammy Koopa, Bowser’s elderly and sarcastic advisor throughout the first two Paper Mario games. She bears a distinct relationship to Bowser’s regular advisor Kamek, though their connection is never touched upon. She acts as a secondary main villain throughout the first game and a companion for Bowser in the second.

In game, she will be an echo fighter for Kamek, the pair both being built upon the same basic concept. The pair will have strong aerials, relying heavily on their brooms, and will have a heavy focus on spells and magical attacks. Their moves will pull from every appearance of Magikoopas in the series, most of Kammy’s having a Paper Mario flair to them.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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