Friday, December 24, 2021

Jonathan Jones

With Bowser and Peach both on board and along for the adventure, the team head for Seaside Town in pursuit of the star that fell in the nearby bay. Unfortunately, they find the star in the hands of a band of pirates, led by a ruthless shark captain wielding a trident.

This is Jonathan Jones, the fearsome pirate captain of the Mushroom Sea. Mario and his friends challenge him for possession of the star, but he agrees to only relinquish it if they can beat him in combat. Upon his defeat, Johnny shows his true colors by honoring his oath and giving up the star, even going so far as to help them against Yaridovich who awaits them on the surface.

As a fighter, Jonathan Jones is fierce and brutal, befitting a hardened pirate captain. His moves will pull from the trident he wields, as well as the attacks he uses in his boss battle, the skills of his men, and the booby traps lying hidden around his ship.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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