Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Axem Rangers

Valentina defeated, she makes a run for it, the star ending up lost in a volcano far below. Mario and his friends head in to retrieve it, only to emerge with a massive axe-shaped airship hanging over their heads, a team of axe-wielding multi-colored members of the Smithy Gang waiting to take it from them.

These are the Axem Rangers, the final Smithy soldiers our heroes face before taking on the final level. They are pretty clear Power Ranger knockoffs, with a red, black, pink, yellow, and green member, each with different styles of fighting, though all with the axes of their names.

As a fighter, they will follow the Koopalings and the Broodals’ lead with each member taking up a different color swap. They will be fast and strong, relying heavily on their axe weapons. Their moves will pull from all five members, making them an amalgam of sorts.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause

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