Monday, December 27, 2021

Jr. Troopa

Paper Mario’s journey begins. He heads off to Princess Peach’s castle for the party only for Bowser and Kammy to show up and cause trouble. Mario tries to fight them off only to find Bowser impenetrable, wielding a wand that grants him greater power than Mario has ever faced. Defeated, Mario falls from the castle and finds himself in a Goomba village. He is quickly joined by a friendly Goomba named Goombario and the pair head off to try again. They don’t travel too far from the village, however, when they are accosted by a young Koopa with a penchant for bullying the locals.

This is Jr. Troopa, your recurring rival throughout the series, a runty Koopa with a chip on his shoulder who keeps upgrading himself to beat Mario only for Mario’s new companion to have just the ability to counter it.

As befitting the character, Jr. Troopa will not particularly shine in any distinct attribute, being just below Mario’s level on pretty much everything. His moves will pull from his various battles and each upgrade he brought with it.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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