Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Mario Series Assist Trophies

Here's my list of assist trophies. These are mostly arbitrary. I basically put together a list of characters that didn't make it in, and narrowed them down to a handful I thought could bring something distinct to the table if summoned. They are:

a.       Biddybugs: a line of them will appear and fly back and forth across the stage for a while. They won’t do any damage, they’ll just get in your way.

b.       Bird: It will fly up to one side of the stage, release its piercing cry and swoop across the stage to the opposite side, mimicking its Super Mario Land 2 battle.

c.       Bullet Bill: Bullet Bills will fire regularly from both sides of the stage for the next twenty seconds or so.

d.       Bully: it will come out and do what it does best, charging at the first person it sees and slamming its full weight into them.

e.       Coin Coffer: it will randomly wander the stage, coins popping up behind it. Anyone who manages to KO it will receive a large bonus in their points at the end of the match. Coin matches I’m sure you can figure out.

f.        Hellen Gravely: she will pose in the background and send her cat to do her dirty work. The cat will roam the stage and attack various fighters.

g.       Huckit Crab: the crab will randomly wander the stage for a little while, picking up rocks and chucking them at players for light damage.

h.       King Totomesu: he will stand on one side of the stage and spit fireballs across it, jumping occasionally.

i.         Lava Bubble: it will pop up at random spots, leaping out of the stage floor and back down just like in the games. A fiery lava effect from the games will appear a split second before it leaps as a warning to players.

j.         Magmaargh: it will lurk in the background just behind the stage for a few seconds before lunging and leaping over the stage, severely damaging any fighter it connects with. This will repeat a few times.

k.       Penguin: it will waddle out and then slide on its belly across the stage a few times, tripping up anyone it bumps into.

l.         Pidgit: it will fly up and cross back and forth across the stage, acting as an extra platform.

m.     Polterpup: he will sniff around the edges of the stage, finding hidden items and delivering them back to his summoner for use.

n.       Rocky Wrench: at random spots, his manhole will appear, rattle for a split second, before he pops up and tosses a wrench. He will then tuck back in and his manhole will appear in a different spot.

o.       Spawny: he will glitch and fire off a few blasts of his warping beam in random directions. Anyone hit by the beam will have their controls scrambled for a little while.

p.       Scuttlebug: it will dangle from the top of the screen, hanging around until it is collided with, at which point it will drop and attack the nearest fighter.

q.       Swoop: it will flutter up and hang from the bottom of a platform. At random intervals, it will take off and divebomb a character, doing light damage.

r.        T-Rex: it will let out its stunning roar and then rampage across the stage, similar to the Rathalos assist trophy.

s.        Viruses: they will latch themselves onto nearby opponents. The opponents will soon take on symptoms of the different ailments the viruses represent.

t.        Wingo: he will teleport himself to the background and flap his wings hard enough to whip up a hurricane, blowing anyone with high enough damage off the stage to faceplant on the screen.

You could probably come up with others. For instance, I forgot about Fuzzies when I first made this, but everything I could think of them doing was basically already done by the Viruses and the Biddybugs

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