Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Lord Crump

Two lines of RPG firmly established, a sequel to the first Paper Mario is produced for the Game Cube. Visiting a seedy town called Rogueport, Princess Peach discovers a treasure map which she quickly sends to Mario. Mario heads her way, only to find the princess missing in action. He soon encounters a friendly Goomba being harassed by a gang of strange creatures led by a large purple general with a big red beard.

This is Lord Crump, general of the X-Naut forces and right hand man to their leader Sir Grodus. As Mario investigates the mystery behind the treasure map and the X-Nauts, Lord Crump will menace Mario several times, facing him on his own, accompanied by a troop of X-Naut soldiers, or piloting a giant mech of his own design.

As a fighter, Lord Crump will be heavy and strong, though a little slow. As the leader of the X-Naut forces, he will be accompanied by a handful of soldiers who will help him out with several of his moves. His moveset will pull from his own boss battles as well as moves performed by his various minions.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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