Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Vibe Island

Despite poor reception, Super Princess Peach does stand as a unique game within the Super Mario Bros. series, being one of the few games to star Peach as the game’s main character. The game takes place on Vibe Island, a place where emotions run rampant due to Bowser’s fiddling with the legendary vibe scepter, which is not what it sounds like.

The stage will take place on a large platform with an arrangement of smaller platforms above it, which will float around a recreation of the island from the game, showing it from all sides. At regular intervals, one of Peach’s emotion splash pages will flash across the screen, inducing the respective emotion on the fighters. Anger will surround them in flames and give them a boost of power, Sadness will heighten their speed but make everything slippery, Joy will cause them to become light and floaty, and Calm will progressively heal any damage.

Potential theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb83w0hLh60

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