Friday, December 3, 2021


After the failure of the Wii U, Nintendo tried again, this time bringing the worlds of their consoles and handhelds together in a brand-new system that you could easily play on the go or at home. With it came yet another new 3D Mario adventure, this time returning to the open-world format of 64, Sunshine, and the Galaxy games. In it, Mario tries to stop Bowser from kidnapping Peach once again, this time being flung from the ship and landing hard in a ghostly fog-covered world filled with strange hat ghosts.

One of them greets him and introducing him as Cappy. As part of Bowser’s plan, Cappy’s sister Tiara had been kidnapped too. The pair agree to join forces, and Cappy takes the form of Mario’s hat. Cappy now grants Mario the ability to possess the bodies of anyone his hat lands on, grant them strange new abilities based on the creature they possessed.

As a playable fighter, Cappy will of course be floaty with good defense, a standard for most ghost-types out there. His moves will pull from all the many captures Mario is able to perform across Mario Odyssey, almost as if Cappy has all the various creatures on hand, ready to be possessed at a moment’s notice.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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