Saturday, January 1, 2022

Mr. L

Three of the four prophesied heroes have been brought together in the form of Mario, Peach, and Bowser, but the fourth still has yet to appear and Mario’s brother Luigi has gone missing. Our heroes collect their third Pure Heart and move on to a space-themed world full of trippy gravity mechanics and warping effects, where they are faced with the newest recruit to Count Bleck’s forces, a masked figure with a snazzy mustache who takes on the party with a giant robotic spaceship.

This is Mr. L, a new addition to Count Bleck’s forces, who looks very familiar to our heroes, though they can’t quite put their finger on it. They will face him multiple times across the game, sometimes on his own, sometimes in his giant mech. He seems to be brainwashed in some way.

As a fighter, he will be an echo fighter of Luigi, for unknown reason. He just seems to fit for some reason. He will have similar stats to Luigi, though he might put a bit more power into his attacks, not quite holding back the way Luigi would. His moves will mirror Luigi’s moveset, though with more paper qualities and often themed more to Mr. L. He will also make use of his flying mech.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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