Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Crime Wave Clyde

As King Koopa worked to raise his children up to be good little villains, he thought to give them instruction under the worst criminal he could possibly find. So, he flew his mighty flying battleship into the real world, invaded one of the highest security human prisons, and broke out its most high-profile criminal.

This is Crime Wave Clyde, a career criminal serving a sentence of 12,423 years. He initially goes along with the plan, teaching the Koopalings everything he knows. That is, until they both drive him crazy with their shenanigans and end up stabbing him in the back and leaving him behind. This leads him to join forces with the Mario brothers, helping them take the Koopalings down and agreeing to return to prison.

As a fighter, he will be big and hard to move, with lots of muscle and a few underhanded tricks behind him. His moveset will pull from the crimes and violent actions he takes in the episode, as well as the crimes performed by the Koopalings after his instruction.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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