Thursday, January 20, 2022

Mugga the Medicine Woman

Next we have an episode set in the stock plot setting of ancient volcano-jungle-caveman land, where, after a chase by a “Mousersaurus Rex,” Mario becomes poisoned and comatose. Desperate for a cure, a young cavetoad leads the party to the medicine woman living in a cave nearby.

This is Mugga, a wise mystic among the cave people whose recommended cure for Mario’s state is a pizza crafted from ingredients around their jungle world. She would help them build the pizza, then help them escape when King Koopa ultimately found their location.

 In game, her moveset will pull from her own magic arts and remedies used to heal Mario as well as the various actions of her cavetoad assistant and the general theme of the episode. She will be slower, but quite limber with good aerial maneuvers and magical attacks.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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