Saturday, January 22, 2022

Herman Smirch

Comics continued to be published while the animated series ran, including many under the Nintendo Comics System label by Valiant Comics. One of the most unique of these was another based on Super Mario Land, set in the real world where a selfish man’s dark heart acted as a gateway to free Tatanga and his forces from the world inside the video game.

This evil man was Herman Smirch, a video game store employee who spent every minute of his time complaining about how the world owed him, and frequently shoplifted from his own store. Though initially dragged into Tatanga’s schemes against his own free will, and frequently tried to flee and pass his Game Boy onto other unsuspecting victims around him, he eventually declared his allegiance to Tatanga and became his faithful follower in his schemes to conquer both worlds.

As a fighter, he won’t have much going for him attribute-wise, lacking in strength, speed, or any kind of defense, his only major advantage being his large size. His moveset will pull from his trilogy of comics, both the video game releasing various Super Mario Land minions into the world, as well as his occasional actions to help out or flee.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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