Wednesday, January 5, 2022

King Olly

Continuing on its more paper-gimmick path but steadily finding ways to tell strong and compelling stories regardless of limitations, the Paper Mario series produced a sixth entry in 2020, telling the story of the Mushroom Kingdom falling victim to a cult, resulting in the citizens, including Princess Peach, being folded into brainwashed origami forms under the leadership of a wicked king made of origami.

This is King Olly, the titular Origami King. Developing a hatred for flat, unfolded paper people due to his belief he was cast away and discarded by his creator, he started a plan to take over the kingdom and fold everything to be like himself. He serves as the main villain throughout the game that Mario must fight against.

As a fighter, he will be light, still made of paper, though weighed down a bit by being folded. He and his sister Olivia will be echo fighters of each other, both pulling moves from all over the game, making use of the origami gimmicks and some of his own boss battles.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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