Tuesday, January 4, 2022


To many players’ disappointment, the Paper Mario series continued its new direction despite the negative feedback, this time producing a game entirely based around paint. Mario and Peach are summoned to the city of Port Prisma, where they find the entire place drained of color, including the people, the technicolor fountain in the city center drained dry. Inside the fountain, they find the fountain’s protector, a living paint can, irate at the travesty that has occurred.

This is Huey, Mario’s companion throughout the game, filling the same role as Kersti from the previous installment and providing Mario with the numerous paint-based abilities he picks up over the course of the adventure.

As a fighter, Huey will be similar in attributes to Kersti, except heavier considering he is a metal paint can. His moves will pull from all the various paint gimmicks and abilities that appear in the game, and he will likely have a paint meter of some kind, similar to the Inklings.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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