Saturday, January 15, 2022


The Mario series edged its way into the world of comics not too long after that, one of the earliest being an adaptation of the plot of Super Mario Land prior to the game’s release that saw Mario dashing off to rescue Princess Daisy from Tatanga, accompanied by a strange but friendly robot.

This robot is actually Princess Peach, jealous of Mario going off after Daisy and keeping an eye on him by disguising herself and calling herself Mechakuribo. The robotic suit she wears comes with a number of high-tech weapons and abilities that make her a valuable ally to Mario.

As a fighter, Mechakuribo will be small and quick, though a bit heavier than she looks, given the princess hiding inside her. Her moveset will pull from the various gadgets and abilities the suit is shown to use throughout the comic’s run.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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