Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Best Fitness Friends

Skipping over Partners in Time, AlphaDream Studios released a second remake for Bowser’s Inside Story, with another bonus mode with the same core gameplay and style. This time it followed Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings as they dealt with Fawful’s takeover, going up against a trio of previously unseen minions who were in charge of the Bowser’s Castle conquest.

Dieter, Kaley, and Beef form the Best Fitness Friends, a trio of villains who infiltrated Bowser’s Castle by posing as fitness coaches peddling a miraculous health potion. The three together mirror the Bowser’s Minions play style, with Beef acting as the melee fighter, Kaley as the aerial fighter, and Dieter as the long-range fighter.

The Best Fitness Friends will function nearly identically to the Team Captains, with the team’s three members filling the roles of the various members, albeit a bit heavier and stronger. Their moves will pull from their various boss battles as well as the tricks they pull to oust Bowser’s children from the castle.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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