Friday, January 7, 2022

Dreamy Pi'illo Island

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team’s main draw was that the game was played both in the real world that Mario lived in, as well as in the dream world inside Luigi’s mind. This dream world could be affected by stimuli in the real world, with Starlow messing with Luigi in his sleep, such as causing him to sneeze to cause strong winds to blow. If you went deep enough into the dream world, you would also find Dreams Deep, a trippy world of abstract shapes and concepts.

This stage would reflect that dream world, with a Dreamy Luigi icon in the background that would activate from time to time, blowing strong winds, speeding things up or slowing them down, and other such effects, drastically altering the layout of the stage. At certain points, the stage would warp into Dreams Deep and then return after a little while.

Potential theme:

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