Thursday, January 13, 2022

Dr. Demise

Meanwhile, on their own adventure, Donkey Kong Jr. and Bones come to a city where an evil supervillain in a personal helicopter is pulling off a bank heist, the pair becoming wrapped up in the scheme.

This is Dr. Demise, the archnemesis of Kid Dynamo, Junior and Bones’ superpowered ally for this episode. The doctor continually attempts to pull off crimes only to be foiled by his teenage foe, leading him to seek a way around his powers.

As a man who relies more on technology and henchman, the evil doctor won’t have much in the way of speed, strength or defense physically, his moveset pulling from the various machines and weapons he uses to battle his nemesis.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

Side note: please excuse the poor quality of some of these.

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