Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Despite Nintendo’s crackdown on the Paper Mario series, the Mario & Luigi series managed to survive for at least one game longer, putting out a fourth game, Dream Team. This game saw the Mario brothers and Princess Peach traveling to an island where sleep is a big deal. On the way, Luigi suffers a nightmare wherein a strange vampiric creature attacks the airship.

This is Antasma, the main villain of Dream Team and an ancient nightmare creature in league with Bowser, who put the original residents of Pi’illo Island into an eternal sleep centuries before. He draws his power from nightmares and seeks to rule both the world of the living and the world of dreams.

As a fighter, Antasma will be powerful offensively, but will also be able to move in the shadows and use trickery to avoid harm. His moveset will pull from his various boss battles throughout the game and the abilities shown outside of battle.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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