Monday, January 24, 2022

Evil Eric & Tammy Treehugger

Though Tommy and Co-MC would be the stars of Club Mario, they wouldn’t be the only recurring characters in its short-lived run. Frequently, Co’s evil twin and Tommy’s troublemaking sister would team up against the pair, tying them up and taking over the hosting of the show for themselves.

These two, Evil Eric and Tammy Treehugger, would act as loose villains of sorts for the hosts to contend with from time to time. Tommy would eventually end up befriending Eric, leading the pair to ease up on their troublemaking and start simply hanging out with the hosts on the set.

They will be echo fighters of their siblings in game, with a bit more punch to their attacks than their more benevolent counterparts. Their moves will likewise mirror the hosts’, though with slight tweaks here and there to match their personalities. Side note: Tommy with Tammy as a color swap and Co with Eric as a color swap is also a viable alternative.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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