Thursday, January 27, 2022

Film Goomba

The Mario brothers give chase after Daisy and her captors, diving through the portal and suddenly finding themselves in a strange grungy world filled with people who look like humans but with odd features like spikes and long tongues. Lurking around the corner, watching their progress, is a tall, hulking figure with a tiny head wearing an overcoat.

These are what the film decided were Goombas, the primary minions of Koopa. He built himself a de-evolution device that would return the people of his world to an earlier more saurian state, and these are apparently the results. One of the few truly bad designs in the film aside, they pose a serious threat to the brothers throughout the movie.

As playable characters, the Goomba that used to be Toad will be the main color swap with other designs acting as the remainder. They will be big and slow with a lot of strength, and their moves will pull from the weapons they use and the tools used by other minions of Koopa.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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