Monday, January 24, 2022

Queen Mushroomkhamen

A more set location aside, the series still saw a number of one-off characters here and there. One such came in an episode where Hip and Hop broke into a pyramid in Desert Land to steal a sarcophagus, only for the mummy inside’s mother to awaken from her own tomb and confuse Mario for her stolen son.

This is Queen Mushroomkhamen, an ancient mummy who ruled the Mushroom Kingdom centuries before. She spends most of the episode as a secondary antagonist, chasing Mario around while he tries to reclaim her real lost son from the Koopalings.

As a fighter, she will be fast and she will also be surprisingly strong, most of her hits hitting with stunning force. Her moveset will pull from her magical abilities that she shows and the earth-shaking tantrum she throws over her son’s kidnapping.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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