Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Captain Abidab

The Mario brothers and their friends return to the sea once again for a 2,000 Leagues Under the Sea/Moby Dick/Jaws parody featuring a small port town terrorized regularly by a fearsome sea monster, our heroes volunteering to join a brave captain on her vessel to head out and hunt the beast.

This is Captain Abidab, a large, busty amalgam of Captain Ahab, Captain Nemo, and Quint. She is bound and determined to take down the creature, even more so when she learns it is merely a submarine manned by Koopa and his minions.

As a fighter, she will be large with lots of brute strength behind her. Her moveset will pull from the various weapons she uses in her battle against the beast, her harpoon her first and foremost weapon of choice.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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