Monday, January 3, 2022


While Bowser seeks revenge against Fawful, Mario and Luigi wake to find themselves in Bowser’s belly, having been shrunken down and trapped inside. They then secretly work with Bowser, adventuring throughout his body to help him out and fight off invaders trying to hinder his physical abilities. When he is forced to eat a giant carrot, he accidentally consumes a parasite that causes him a terrible stomachache.

This parasite is Durmite, and while Mario and Luigi initially assume it to be merely a random bug, they soon learn its true identity as one of the star sages, whose power the brothers will need to defeat Fawful, but was transformed into her current form, requiring them to battle her again to restore her.

As a fighter, Durmite and her alternate form as the sage Wisdurm will be alternate color swaps. She will be strong and heavy, but with some floaty elements to her as well. Her moveset will pull from both of her major battles and her role as a Star Sage.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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