Tuesday, January 25, 2022


In 1991, Japanese magazine CoroCoro comics published the first issue of the most famous manga of the series, Super Mario-Kun, a joke comic that follows the plot of most of the games as they release and is still running to this day. The comic featured a more comedic take on Mario, full of silly sight gags and puns based on the games in question.

Mario is presented here as Mario-Kun, a random and erratic agent of chaos more interested in his next lame pun than the adventure at hand. Thanks to this, he has demonstrated many slapstick-style abilities not seen in any other medium, making him thoroughly different from any other version.

The comic version of Mario will be fast and jumpy, far more erratic in his movements than any of his other incarnations. His moveset will pull from the entire history of his manga, incorporating some of the most unique power-ups or gags seen within it.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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