Saturday, January 1, 2022


The Mario & Luigi series will also see a third entry, this time in Bowser’s Inside Story. Fawful is back, bent on revenge for the Mario brothers’ defeat of his mistress two games before. He feeds Bowser a strange mushroom that causes him to inhale the Mario brothers and Princess Peach, and then sends his own minion, a big musclebound pig, to toss Bowser out, leaving the villain free to take over both Peach’s and Bowser’s castles.

This big pig minion is Midbus, Fawful’s faithful right-hand man throughout Bowser’s Inside Story and the go-to villain to face off against Bowser, matching him in terms of strength and ability, fighting him multiple times and forming an impenetrable wall between him and Fawful.

As a fighter, I think it only natural that Midbus match Bowser in terms of attributes such as speed and strength, basically matching him beat for beat. His moveset will pull from all his various boss battles across the game, both his regular form and his final blizzard form that gives him power over ice.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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