Friday, January 21, 2022

Waldo the Wizard

After that came the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids parody. Held hostage in King Koopa’s summer castle, our heroes find themselves thrown into a dungeon where they meet the powerful wizard who had once been the true master of the castle.

This is Waldo the Wizard. Before the heroes had arrived, he had been concocting a plan to take back the castle using a magical shrinking potion. Caught up in the excitement, Toad accidentally spills the potion and ends up shrinking the Mario brothers down to miniature size, forcing the group to work together to form a new plan.

As a fighter, Waldo will be similar to his fellow wizard Mervin, perhaps being a bit more floaty with his tendency to hover in the air. His moveset will pull, of course, from his shrinking potion, as well as the various magical spells he uses throughout the episode.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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