Friday, January 14, 2022

Prince Haru

After Mario became established firmly as a brand apart from Donkey Kong, the original Super Mario Bros. saw an anime movie adaptation the next year. The movie mostly followed the plot of the game, though it saw Mario and Luigi accompanied by a strange dog with a segmented body.

This dog is Kibidango, who turns out to be Princess Peach’s fiancĂ© Prince Haru, transformed into a dog by Bowser and believed dead by the princess. He will spend much of the movie in his dog form until he is healed in the end by the crystal Peach wears.

In game, the relationship between his two forms will be a bit more fluid, and he will be light and quick on his feet. His moveset will pull from all over the movie, his own actions as well as anything distinctly unique to the film.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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