Monday, January 10, 2022

Shroob Mothership

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time’s most notable aspect, apart from the time traveling, was the invasion of the Mushroom Kingdom by the alien Shroobs. Over the course of the game, you see the Mushroom Kingdom become more and more infested with giant purple mushrooms as Shroob ships fill the sky.

This stage will heavily focus on both of those aspects. It will have two different forms, one pre-invasion, set atop Peach’s Castle as it appears in the game, mushroom-free and the skies clear. The other will be post-invasion, the castle covered in giant Shroob mushrooms, drastically altering the terrain. Princess Shroob’s mothership will also hang in the sky over the castle as smaller ships fly in and out as platforms. A time portal will stick out of the ground in the middle of the stage, regularly becoming volatile and triggering the change.

Potential theme:

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