Saturday, January 1, 2022


Mario and Tippi, having joined forces with Bowser and Peach and collected two pure hearts, now travel to a pixelated 8-bit world of video game references and concepts. They aren’t there two minutes before Tippi finds herself captured and collected as a rare butterfly by the biggest nerd stereotype this side of The Big Bang Theory in the form of a giant chameleon.

This is Francis, a major boss of this world and mostly just a general nuisance for our heroes. He dwells inside of a heavily fortified palace filled with gamer memorabilia and guarded by cat-eared robots in maid costumes. Our heroes must fight their way through it to face him and rescue Tippi.

In the game, Francis will be slow with not too much strength or defense, but will make up for it with an invisibility mechanic that will let him move around unseen. His moveset will pull from both his boss battle in the game as well as the various traps and robots defending his fortress.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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