Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Professor E. Gadd

Luigi runs from the Gold Ghost, terrified out of his mind. Before the ghost can do any serious damage, however, it is accosted from behind by an elderly scientist wielding a high-tech vacuum cleaner of some kind.

This is Professor Elvin Gadd, an eccentric inventor who has spent his life studying ghosts. He was drawn to the mansion when it mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. In order to learn more about it, and to help Luigi rescue his brother, he supplies the plumbers with his Poltergust 3000, a vacuum cleaner designed to suck up ghosts and contain them.

As a playable character, E. Gadd will be an echo fighter of Luigi’s vacuum-wielding variant, being the inventor and first user of all said equipment. He will be slower than Luigi, with less power behind him. His moves will pull from the entire Luigi’s Mansion series and utilize all equipment he provides Luigi with.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause

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