Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Koopalings

Boom Boom defeated, Mario and the player continue their way through World One, finally reaching the end where an airship awaits. Fighting their way through the airship, they will come to the bridge where they encounter a small Koopa with a spiky shell like Bowser’s, with a large blue mohawk on top of his head and a magic wand in his hand.

This is Larry Koopa, the first of the seven Koopalings, children and/or generals of Bowser who carry out his bidding across the Mushroom Kingdom. Together, Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig would take their place as the standardized bosses of each world across multiple Mario games, some relying on magic and trickery like Lemmy and Iggy, others relying on brute strength, like Morton and Roy. While none having quite enough to justify a spot on their own, together they are more than a force to be reckoned with.

In game, their stats will likely either be a happy medium between the seven, or one might find a way to incorporate the different stats to each different color swap, making Morton slower and stronger and Lemmy lighter and more speedy. Either way, their movesets will pull from all of their boss battles, making use of the magic and muscle of all the siblings, and some of their more specialized moves, like Lemmy’s ball and Wendy’s ring.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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