Friday, November 26, 2021

Bowser Jr.

Mario fights his way across the island, cleaning up all of Shadow Mario’s mess and coming face to face with the figure in the middle of an amusement park. After a roller coaster fight with a giant robotic Bowser, the shadowy being finally decides to reveal his true identity.

He is, in reality, Bowser Jr., Bowser’s son and heir who believes Peach to be his mother. After this first game, he becomes a permanent and constant presence in the Mario series, a built-in partner for Bowser in sports games, and a natural mini-boss throughout most adventure games. Although his relationship with the Koopalings has yet to be truly nailed down, he even found himself a nice niche working with them in the series as well.

As a character, Bowser Jr. will be constantly piloting a Klown Kar, as many of his boss battles make use of the vehicle or other vehicles like it. He will be lighter and more floaty as a result, and his moveset will pull from all of his boss battles, as well as the abilities demonstrated by the Klown Kar itself.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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