Friday, November 26, 2021

Petey Piranha

Accused of Shadow Mario’s crimes by the island government and sentenced to clean up all the mess, Mario sets out with FLUDD in tow to get it done. His journey leads him first to a pristine mountain village called Bianco Hills, currently under threat by a monstrous Piranha Plant that has taken over the village windmill.

This is Petey Piranha, who would soon firmly establish his place as the Mario series’ favorite boss fight, seeing appearances in adventure games, RPGs, and sports games, in playable and non-playable appearances alike. Unlike many of his species restricted to pipes, he spends all of his time walking around on land, with large leaves that let him fly and a big head with a mouth full of teeth.

In game, naturally he is a big, strong bruiser, with lacking speed but decent aerials. His moveset pulls from all over the Mario series and from every boss battle he has ever taken part in.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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