Friday, November 19, 2021

Dr. Mario

Riding high off the consistent success of so many games, Nintendo likely felt Mario could do no wrong, and so felt comfortable enough to start branching out the franchise and plastering Mario’s name across various new titles to help them sell just that little bit better. Among these was a brand-new puzzle game, similar in style to Tetris, where you starred as a doctor version of Mario and had to drop multicolored pills into a bottle filled with little gremlin-looking viruses, matching them up color by color to eliminate them all.

This is Dr. Mario, one of Mario’s more notable spinoff forms. His game would see great success among the puzzle game community and would frequently see re-releases in Puzzle collections alongside its contemporaries like Tetris and Puyo Puyo. Numerous sequels would also crop up here and there, all with more or less similar gameplay, and the character would even see playable appearances across three different Super Smash Bros. titles.

As a character, Dr. Mario would have more or less similar stats to ordinary Mario, if a little bit heavier and slower. He is a doctor after all, not a fighter. His moves will pull from all aspects of the Dr. Mario series, making use of his pills, the viruses he contends with, and even the bottle they are contained in.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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