Saturday, November 13, 2021


Having beaten Birdo and headed through the Eagle Gate into the second level, Mario and his friends find themselves having to deal with enemies from above, primarily in the form of masked figures flying on fairy wings and wielding hooked spears with which they can skewer any foe.

These are Beezos, winged cousins of the Shy Guy. Unlike many Super Mario Bros. 2 enemies, they do not see very many appearances in the series proper, only popping up in Super Mario RPG to my knowledge. However, they do see prominence in the first season of Super Mario Bros. Super Show! which took heavy inspiration from Super Mario Bros. 2.

In game, they will be excellent aerial fighters, with strong recovery and speed as well as many of the drawbacks you’d expect from that fighter type. Their spear from the game will naturally be their primary weapon, but they will also pull heavily from their role in the television series.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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