Saturday, November 27, 2021

Brighton & Twila

The Mario Party series saw continued success on the Game Boy, releasing multiple titles under its banner. The sixth entry set up a framing story about the sun and the moon getting into an argument, and coming down to Mario and his friends to help settle the dispute.

Brighton and Twila are the names of the sun and moon in question here. They are anthropomorphized spirits of the two celestial bodies who act as referees in the game, both with their own versions of the different boards with different hazards and features. They would never appear again, but they left just enough of an impression to join Tumble and the Koopa Kid.

 As a fighter, they will take turns with the color swaps. They will be about moderate in their stats, though with strong power indicative of their heavenly nature. Their moves will likewise pull heavily from the Mario Party games, but especially from their own and especially anything having to do with space.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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