Wednesday, November 24, 2021


In 2001, Nintendo released their next console, the Game Cube. Along with it came a brand new chapter in the Mario series, a spinoff starring Mario’s brother Luigi. In it, Luigi wins a mansion in a contest he didn’t enter. When he arrives, he finds the place dark and deserted, his brother who’d arrived earlier nowhere to be found. Searching everywhere for him, Luigi soon finds himself accosted by an orange ghostly apparition.

This is a Gold Ghost, the most common and generic enemy of Luigi’s Mansion. Ghosts fill the mansion, coming in all shapes and sizes. In subsequent sequels, more ghosts would menace Luigi, the Greenies being the most common in Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, and Goobs in Luigi’s Mansion 3.

In game, the different color swaps will take the different forms of the various ghosts of the franchise, Gold Ghosts, Greenies, and Goobs taking the first three. They will be light and floaty, with high defense, much like their Boo allies, and their moves will pull from all variants, heavily focused on sneak attacks and scaring your opponent.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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