Monday, November 15, 2021


Having beaten Mouser, the gang can now move on to World 2, which proves to be a heavily desert-inspired level. One of the most prominent enemies featured here are tall stacks of living cacti with smiling cat faces, that will only become shorter if attacked anywhere besides their heads.

These are Pokeys, one of the three most prominent enemies to carry over to the primary Mario games, quickly becoming the essential staple of any desert level. Although they are known for simply wiggling in place until you strike their head, they have demonstrated various abilities including rolling up and spinning like a wheel and bouncing various body segments as projectiles.

In game, Pokeys will be slow, but with some speedy moves to them. Their defense will be high, simply casting away body segments that become too damaged, their head being their weakest point of defense. Their moves will pull from various boss battles such as Mummipokey and the Pokey brothers in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, as well as their distinct appearance in the Yoshi games, and the general aesthetic of most Mario desert levels.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause

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