Saturday, November 13, 2021


Reaching the end of their first level, Mario and friends encounter a strange dinosaur firing eggs from its mouth, that seems to be the guardian of the Eagle Gates that serve as portals to the next level. They would go on to face this creature many times, every time they approached one of said gates.

This is Birdo, or perhaps Birdetta or Catherine, possibly one of video gaming’s first trans characters, if Nintendo ever develops any consistency on the character. Although she would never take up her Subconian role as Eagle Gate guardian again, she would become a staple of the Mario series, cropping up as playable in sporting games, acting as a boss here and there, or simply having random appearances that only loosely tie into the story of the game.

In game, she will be a bit on the heavy and slow side, though only moderately so. Her moves will have a dramatic feminine flair to them, mirroring her typical characterization. Her moves will pull from her egg-shooting first appearance, her various boss fights, and her various musical performances seen in RPGs. She also has wings, according to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! so those will likely come into play as well.

Likelihood rating: Strong

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