Friday, November 12, 2021

Hammer Bro

Having survived their harrowing encounter with Lakitu, players will soon find themselves struggling against another of Bowser’s more annoying minions to fight, this time in the form of a pair of heavier set Koopas wearing armor and helmets, jumping up and down and throwing lines of hammers that can be a nightmare to try to predict.

These are the Hammer Bros, elite forces of the Koopa army who frequently act as lines of defense before you reach Bowser’s final hideout. Though the hammer-throwing variant is their most common form, they have been seen to branch out into throwing boomerangs, fireballs, iceballs, bulking up and throwing bigger hammers, and even becoming sumo wrestlers and learning to stomp the ground hard enough to send fire and lightning through it.

As a fighter, Hammer Bros will be heavier and stronger than their Koopa cousins, though still quite speedy with solid jumping abilities. Though they will carry the moniker of Hammer Bro, their moveset will use the abilities of the Boomerang, Fire, Ice, Sledge, and Sumo Bro, and any other Bro you happen to meet along the way.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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