Thursday, November 18, 2021


Their first three games a success, and the NES firmly establishing Nintendo as the current kings of games, they soon branch out into the newly developing technology of handheld gaming, releasing the brand-new Game Boy system players could take on the road. With it came Super Mario Land, a Mario game but in the palm of your hand. Rather than rescuing Bowser from Peach however, this time you were tasked with saving a new princess from an evil alien invader. You fought your way across four different worlds, each based heavily on an ancient civilization, each with enemies fitting of the theme. As you reached the fourth world, a world heavily based on ancient China, you found it populated by strange purple zombies dressed in stereotypical Chinese tunics.

These were Pionpi, the most prominent minions of the alien Tatanga and invaders of the Chai Kingdom. Though they will not see much life past Super Mario Land, they do enjoy a significant presence in the comics released around the time, most of which followed the game’s story in order to advertise for it. Most significantly, Pionpi played the role of Tatanga’s lead enforcer and right hand man in the Herman Smirch trilogy of comics.

In game, Pionpi will be moderately slow and a bit on the medium side in terms of weight, but with solid jumping and aerial abilities. Their movesets will pull from their appearance in the game, the comics they starred in, and the other enemies that appeared around them and followed their commands.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen

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