Monday, November 29, 2021

Dry Bowser

As the Nintendo DS hit stores and replaced the Game Boy Advance as Nintendo’s handheld system, Nintendo took notice that it had been a long time since Mario’s last 2D sidescroller, 3D gaming having effectively taken over the market. So, they released New Super Mario Bros., a return to the old retro format with enhanced 3D graphics. A standard adventure, you as Mario fought your way through your first world in pursuit of Bowser Jr. and a captive Princess Peach, only to come face to face with Bowser as the first boss. No biggie. You simply hop over him, flip the switch, and drop him into the lava, just like the original game. This time, however, he emerges from the lava, his flesh burned off, leaving him nothing more than an undead skeleton.

This is Dry Bowser, Bowser’s skeletal undead form. Though he would be resurrected by the end of the game, Dry Bowser would prove a popular addition to the series, appearing multiple times as an unlockable player across the sports titles and as a secret bonus fight at the end of many adventure games, a second boss to face after your initial defeat of Bowser.

As a fighter, he will be identical to Bowser and act as an echo fighter, except lighter than his living self, thanks to his lack of flesh, and more powerful, unhindered by any concern for his own life. His moves will likewise pull from across the gamut of Bowser boss battles throughout the series.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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