Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Vacuum Luigi

Equipped with E. Gadd’s technology, Luigi heads back into the mansion to clear out all the ghosts and rescue his brother.

Rather than rely on his usual tricks and power-ups, Luigi makes use of the Poltergust 3000, which allows him to suck up ghosts and fire elemental blasts. In later games, E. Gadd would also supply him with a flashlight capable of more easily stunning his opponents, and a shapeshifting goo that would take his form and allow him to be in two places at once.

In game, Luigi’s vacuum form will be slower and heavier than his normal form, with weaker aerials, but he will make up for that with strong close-range combat abilities and the ability to keep his opponents close. His moves will pull from all over the Luigi’s Mansion series, and make use of all of E. Gadd’s gadgets.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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