Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Thwomps are not all you will have to contend with in this second fortress, as you soon discover the tower to be haunted. Here and there around every corner, you might spot a bright white ghost lurking. If you are looking right at it, the ghost will have its face covered, unable to move due to its crippling shyness. The moment you turn your back, however, these spooky fiends will close in for the kill.

These are the Boos, or Boo Diddlies as they were once known. They are ghosts who prefer to attack their enemies when their backs are turned, hiding away once seen. They have since seen heavy prominence across the entire series, starring in major playable roles in numerous sports and party titles, and even getting a heavy focus in their own haunted spinoff series, each time bringing an air of horror and fright to the proceedings.

In game, they will be light and floaty, with high defensive capabilities and low offense. Their moves will pull from all over their appearances in the Mario series, but mostly with a high focus on their own personal self-preservation, making themselves intangible to harm or attacking from a distance.

Likelihood rating: Good possibility

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