Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Fursuit Mario

Now comfortable in knowing both their eastern and western audience had a Super Mario Bros. 2 to have played, Nintendo released Super Mario Bros. 3 in 1988. The game had a brand new engine and introduced a host of new enemies and mechanics alongside old enemies and mechanics from all previous games. One of the main new mechanics was the addition of brand-new power-ups that granted you new powers to help traverse the game’s worlds.

One of the most common subgroups of power-ups is the fursuits. It started with the Raccoon Leaf and the Tanooki Suit in Super Mario Bros. 3, but soon expanded to Fox Suits, Flying Squirrel Acorns, and so many more. Although frequently different in their own unique ways, many carry similar traits, such as flight and a quick slashing attack with a tail or claws.

In game, the Tanooki suit will be the first color swap, with Raccoon, Fox, Flying Squirrel and others subsequent. The character will be more floaty than regular Mario, able to drift in the air by spinning his tail and kicking his feet. His moves will pull from all the various fursuit power-ups in Mario’s history.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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