Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Rosalina & Luma

After the Game Cube, Nintendo’s next big system was the Nintendo Wii, which made heavy use of the new motion control technology with its new remote and nunchuck controller design. No game made better use of the technology than the next major mainline Mario game, Super Mario Galaxy. The game saw Bowser once again kidnapping Princess Peach, but this time taking off with her into space. Mario tries to follow but fails, until he encounters a mysterious space princess, traveling the stars on a comet spacecraft and accompanied by a race of friendly star creatures.

This is Rosalina, and the stars that accompany her are the Lumas. Rosalina first encountered the Lumas as a child, running away from home to go on an adventure with them, only to find herself unable to return to those she left behind ever again. The Lumas took her in, and she became their mama, loving and caring for them as they grew to become planets and stars and other celestial bodies. Her role in the Galaxy games would propel her to instant stardom, becoming a permanent fixture in most sports and party games and even cropping up in other adventure games here and there.

As a playable fighter, Rosalina works in tandem with the Lumas, able to send them out and fight their battles on two fronts. She will be on the heavier side but still quite floaty given her unearthly nature. Her moves pull almost exclusively from Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2, almost acting as a representative for both games.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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