Thursday, November 25, 2021


One year later, Nintendo put out their next mainline Mario game, a unique departure from the standard formula by the name of Super Mario Sunshine. The game begins with a shot of Princess Peach’s personal jet flying through the air, taking Mario and Peach to a tropical vacation. Inside the plane, we see the pair relaxing, accompanied by an older Toad with a mustache and a walking stick.

This is Toadsworth, Peach’s personal steward and caretaker. Immediately following this game, he would see frequent appearances all over the series, filling a distinct role within Peach’s hierarchy. Sadly, his appearances seem to have petered out, I fear in part due to the developers digging in their heels on “de-complicating” the series, most notably seen in its effects on the RPG series.

In game, he will be an echo fighter of the regular Toad character. He will be heavier and slower, but with far more powerful magical attacks. His moves will pull from the same pool as the Toads.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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