Tuesday, November 23, 2021


If you’re going to make a golf game, why limit yourself to just consoles. Nintendo released by a Nintendo 64 version of Mario Golf and a Game Boy Color version that same year. The trouble with a handheld version, unfortunately, was that it couldn’t be a multiplayer game. So, to give players something to do, Nintendo added in an RPG mode, where you played as a young rookie working your way up through the ranks to challenge the champion, who else but Mario.

These characters you could choose from were Kid, Sherry, Joe, and Azalea, with four opponents who would challenge them in the league, being Putts, Grace, Tiny, and Gene Yuss. All eight of these characters would return in the next console generation in Mario Golf: Advance Tour, as challengers to the new pair of rookies, Neil and Ella.

In game, I would like all ten of these characters to be represented, though if we stick to eight, two will have to sit out. They will be echo fighters of their console counterparts, their moves pulling from across the Mario Golf series as well. Possibly in reference to being handheld characters instead of console characters, they might be a bit lighter but slower than the others.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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